It has been some time. I did not have a schedule in mind when starting a weblog, but quite certainly more has transpired in my life than one would gather from these pages. This is but a simple attempt to get into the flow, and perhaps document some of what I have been working on.
For novels, I am reading Gertrude Stein's The Autobiography of Alice Toklas. It is quite enjoyable, Stein has a way of drawing you in and making you feel as if you were participating in her salon. It is amazing to think how people we now regard as artistic geniuses, such as Picasso and Matisse, were to her just contemporaries and friends.
Non-fiction I am reading The Master and his Emissary by Iain McGilchrist, after hearing it recommended by John Cleese in a recent interview. Fun fact from the book: the brain doesn't sit with its sides parallel to the sides of the skull. Rather, the brain is rotated slightly in one direction, and the name for this is Yakovlevian torque.
I am building a business to make in-person crypto payments easier. Maybe you will hear more about it in the future.
Till Next Time
Be kind, be useful, find the good.